2006 Apple Replant Trial
Coordinator: Terence Robinson, Cornell University
Planting locations:
Nova Scotia, Mexico (Coahulia & Chihuahua), New Jersey, New York-East, New York-West, Pennsylvania, North Carolina
Scion cultivar: Royal Gala
B.9, M.9T337, G.11, CG.4210, G.41, M.26, G.16, G.935, G.30, G.210, M.7
Spacing: 1.5 meters between trees
Training and support: individual tree support
T. Robinson et al. Rootstock Tolerance to Apple Replant Disease for Improved Sustainability of Apple Production. Proc. XXVIIIth IHC – IS on the Challenge for a Sustainable Production, Protection and Consumption of Mediterranean Fruits and Nuts Eds.: A.M. D’Onghia et al.
Acta Hort. 940, ISHS 2012.