2002 Apple Rootstock Trial
Wesley Autio, UMass Amherst, 205 Paige Laboratory, 161 Holdsworth Way, Amherst, MA 01003-9286, autio@umass.edu, 413-545-2963
Planting locations
AR, BC, IL, IN, KY, MA, MI, NJ, NY, OH, and Mexico
Scion variety
'Buckeye' Gala
B.9 Europe, B.9 Treco, M.9 Burg 756, M.9 Nic 29, M.9 NAKBT337, M.26 EMLA, M.26 NAKB, P.14, Supporter 4, JM.1, JM.2, JM.7, PiAu 36-2, PiAu 51-11, PiAu 51-4, and PiAu 56-83
2.5 x 4.5 m
Training and support
Vertical axis
Annual reports
2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002
Autio, W., T. Robinson, D. Archbold, W. Cowgill, C. Hampson, R. Parra-Quezada and D. Wolfe. 2013. ‘Gala’ apple trees on Supporter 4, P.14, and different strains of B.9, M.9, and M.26 rootstocks: A final 10-year report on the 2002 NC-140 Apple Rootstock Trial. Journal of the American Pomological Society 67:62-71.
http://www.pubhort.org/aps/67/v67_n2_a1.htmAutio, W., T. Robinson, D. Archbold, W. Cowgill, C. Hampson, R. Parra Quezada and D. Wolfe. 2013. 2002 NC-140 Apple Rootstock Trial: Gala apple trees on Supporter 4, P.14 and different strains of B.9, M.9 and M.26 rootstock: Final Progress Report. Compact Fruit Tree 46(1):23-28.
Autio, W., T. Robinson, W. Cowgill, C. Hampson, M. Kushad, G. Lang, J. Masabni, D. Miller, R. Parra Quezada, and C. Rom. 2011. Performance of ‘Gala’ apple trees on Supporter 4 and different strains of B.9, M.9, and M.26 rootstocks as part of the 2002 NC-140 Apple Rootstock Trial. Acta Hort. 903:311-318.
http://www.actahort.org/books/903/903_40.htmAutio, W. T. Robinson, W. Cowgill, C. Hampson, M. Kushad, R. P. Quezada, R. Perry, and C.R.Rom. 2008. Performance of “Gala’ Apple trees on Supporter 4, P.14, and Different Strains of B.9, M.9, M.26 Rootstocks: A Five-‐Year Report on the 2002 NC-‐140 Apple Rootstock Trial. J. Amer. Pom. Soc. 62(3): 119-‐128.
Autio, W., J. Krupa, and J. Clements. 2008. Comparing Gala apple trees on different strains of B.9, M.9, M.26, and other rootstocks: An update on the 2002 NC-140 Apple Rootstock Trial. Fruit Notes 73:14-16.http://www.umass.edu/fruitadvisor/fruitnotes/v73/a7.pdf