FROM: Curt R. Rom
DATE: October 22, 1997
The 1997 annual meetings of the NE-183 and NC-140 technical committees
will be hosted by the Department of Horticulture, and the Arkansas Agricultural
Experiment Station, University of Arkansas. Curt R. Rom will serve as conference
coordinator and host. You are invited and encouraged to attend, to participate
in these important meetings, and to enjoy northwest Arkansas.
On the following pages are the details of the meetings, most of which
have been previously sent. Please duplicate and share this information with
colleagues as you deem appropriate.
We look forward to your visit to Arkansas.
Horizon of the University of Arkansas
and Fayetteville, Arkansas, October 1997 (note: the tall building in the
left of the picture is the Fayetteville Hilton -- site of the 1997 NE-183
and NC-140 meetings).
Specifics for the meetings follow. If you have any questions or special
needs, please contact Curt R. Rom.
The 1997 meeting of the NE-183 and NC-140 technical committees has been scheduled as follows:
NE-183 Technical Committee
Tuesday, November 11 and Wednesday November 12
Meetings will begin at 8:00am on Tuesday and conclude by noon on Wednesday.
NC-140 Technical Committee
Thursday, November 13 through Saturday, November 15.
Meetings will begin at 8:00am on Thursday and conclude by noon on Saturday.
Agendas for each meeting are included on separate following pages.
2. Location:
Host Department: Department of Horticulture, University of Arkansas.
Contact points: Department of Horticulture, PTSC 316
University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, AR 72701
PH: 501-575-2603
FAX: 501-575-8619
Conference Center: University of Arkansas Center for Continuing Education.
Contact Points: Ms Suzzi Combs, Conference Planner
2 Fayetteville Square
Fayetteville, AR 72701
PH: 501-575-3604
FAX: 501-575-7232
E-mail: <>
The CCE is open 7:30 am to 5:00 pm daily.
Lodging: Hilton Hotel, Fayetteville (adjacent to CCE)
Contact Points: Hilton Hotel
Downtown Fayetteville -- on the square
70 N. East Street
Fayetteville, AR 72701
PH: 501-442-5555
FAX: 501-442-2105
Reservation Information:
A block of rooms has been reserved for these meetings beginning on Monday,
November 10 and continuing through Saturday, November 15. All rooms are
$54.00/room (plus taxes) for either single or double occupation. Please
reserve by calling the Fayetteville Hilton at 501-442-5555 (7:30am until
5:00pm CST) and ask for reservations. State that you are with the NE-183/NC-140
meetings of the Department of Horticulture. If you call after 5:00pm cst,
your call will be sent to international reservations and the reservation
process will take longer. If you have any difficulty with your reservation,
please contact Suzzi Combs or C.R. Rom at the numbers given above. To insure
a room, please make your reservation by November 1, 1997. Room reservations
are the participants responsibility.
-Alternative hotels may be used. For information, please see the City
of Fayetteville Internet information below or contact C.R. Rom.
3. Food Service
The Hilton Hotel and the CCE are located within walking distance to more than 40 restaurants and pubs. Menus vary from international (Mexican/TexMex, Italian, etc.) to BBQ, pub food, bistros, etc. Likewise, prices vary from $5.00 to $35.00 for dinner entre's. Most restaurants and pubs accept both credit cards and personal checks. The Hotel has a restaurant with hours of operation of 6:30am until 9:30pm.
Conference registration fees include a continental breakfast for Tuesday
through Friday morning, lunch for the NE-183 meeting on Tuesday, November
11, lunch for the NC-140 meeting on Thursday, November 13, and dinner for
the NC-140 on Friday November 14; other meals are not included in registration
fees and will be the participants responsibility and choice.
4. Travel:
A. Air Travel
You can fly directly into the Fayetteville Airport (FYV); please
make sure your agent does not send you to Fayetteville, NC. We prefer
you to fly into Fayetteville. There are more than 70 daily arrivals for
your convenience; the airport is serviced by all major airlines. There is
free shuttle transportation to the Hotel, or we will arrange to greet you
at the airport.
You can also fly into Tulsa (110 miles west). You may consider renting
a car to travel to Fayetteville from Tulsa. The drive is approximately 2
hours and 15 minutes on a tollway that will cost $3.00 each way ($6.00 round
trip). We will make 2 shuttle pick-ups on Monday and Wednesday and 2 shuttle
drop-offs on Saturday and Sunday. Tentatively, pick up times will be 12:00
noon and 6:30pm and drop-off times will be scheduled to arrive at the Tulsa
Airport at 8:00am and 1:00pm. If you want shuttle service, you will be charged
$25.00 round-trip for the transportation.
B. Driving
Fayetteville is easily accessible by auto via US Highway 71; 90 miles
south of I-44 (Joplin) or 42 miles north of I-40 (Fort Smith). The drive
is approximately 900 miles from Columbus, OH, East Lansing, MI, and Denver,
Directions to the Fayetteville Hilton: If you are driving from the north
or south, you will be arriving on US highway 71. At the Fayetteville City
Limits, take 71-B (US Highway 71, Businesses Route). This will take you
into the center of town. As you approach the center of town, you will see
on 71-B the historic County Courthouse. In front of the courthouse is an
stoplight and intersection of 71-B and Center Street. Turn to the west,
towards the historic downtown square on Center street for 1 block. Turn
right at the first intersection, East Avenue. This will lead you into the
registration area of the Hilton Hotel.
The Hilton Hotel has complimentary parking.
5. Registration Fee
A registration fee will be assessed of all participants to cover costs
of facilities, limited food service, and other overhead costs (local transportation,
copying, mailing, etc.). The registration fee for the NE-183 meeting is
$30.00. The registration fee for the NC-140 meeting is $60.00. Conference
registration fees include a continental breakfast for Tuesday through Friday
morning, lunch for the NE-183 meeting on Tuesday, November 11, lunch for
the NC-140 meeting on Thursday, November 13, and dinner for the NC-140 on
Friday November 14.
Registration forms for the meetings are attached. You may preregister
by mail or upon your arrival. We can accept cash or personal checks; we
cannot accept credit cards for registration.
6. Annual Reports
Please bring your annual reports for 1997 with you. Information in the
annual reports will be used for committee review and to compile the annual
committee report. Project Cooperators who cannot attend the meetings are
still responsible for submitting annual reports. Cooperators who do not
attend will be sent copies of other reports.
Please bring 60 copies of the NE-183 reports and bring 85 copies
of the NC-140 reports (this is a copy for all current participants on
the projects). It would be useful to have an electronic copy, either diskette
copy (Word or WordPerfect formats) or e-mail attachment sent to C.R. Rom
for compiling the committee annual reports.
The format for annual reports is attached.
Annual reports may be shipped to C.R. Rom at the address given above.
Electronic copies may either be presented upon arrival or sent electronically
to C.R. Rom. There has been discussion about posting reports on the Virtual
Orchard Internet site. Also attached is a posting approval form which will
allow or not allow the posting of your sites' annual report. You may also
want to consider an abridged or revised report specifically for public posting.
A. Conference Tours. Limited tours are planned for the conference.
For the NE-183 meeting, the committee will tour the UA NE-183
planting at the Department of Horticulture Experimental Farm, Main Unit,
Fayetteville. After the tour, a display of fruit from the plot, and other
selections and cultivars will be available for sampling. The tour will be
conducted on Wednesday, November 12. The committee will depart the Hilton
at 8:30 am and return to the Hilton at 11:30 am.
NE-183 Fruit Display At last year's meeting it was discussed
that all planting cooperators should try to bring representative fruit from
their trial so that the group can evaluate site and management differences.
You are encouraged to bring samples. If you would like to ship
fruit for the display, please send them to the Department of Horticulture
at the above address; clearly indicate the contents of the shipment needs
refrigeration upon arrival and we will store until the display or such time
that you would like to use them.
For the NC-140 meeting, the committee will tour several NC-140 Plantings at the Department of Horticulture Experimental Farm, Main Unit, Fayetteville. The tour will be conducted on Friday, November 14. The committee will depart the Hilton at 9:00 am and return to the Hilton at 11:30 am.
B. Other Activities and Hospitality
A conference Hospitality Suite will be available in the Hilton Hotel
to all conference participants. The room number will be available upon your
registration at the Hotel. The hours of the Hospitality suite are 6:30am
until 1:00am. The Hospitality room will provide conference participants
an informal place to meet and relax. Some refreshments will be available.
NE-183 participants are invited to an informal welcoming reception at 8:00pm
on Monday, November 10. NC-140 participants are invited to an informal welcoming
reception at 8:00pm on Wednesday, November 12. The welcoming receptions
will be conducted in the Hospitality Suite.
For NE-183 participants who are staying for the NC-140 meetings, no formal
activities are planned for Wednesday afternoon, November 12. We will arrange
for tours of the University of Arkansas campus, regional sights, or local
orchards as requested. We will help coordinate local trips for persons who
have private transportation.
On Wednesday evening, the Arkansas Razorback Basketball team is playing
the Converse AllStars in an exhibition game beginning at 7:05pm in Bud Walton
Arena, the 3rd largest on-campus basketball arena in the US.
A limited number of game tickets may be available. If you are interested
in attending the game, please contact C.R. Rom; tickets are $15.00.
After the NC-140 meeting concludes on Saturday, November 15, no formal activities are planned.
We will arrange for tours of the University of Arkansas campus, regional
sights, or local orchards as requested. We will help coordinate local trips
for persons who have private transportation. Available also will be opportunities
for recreational golf, tennis, swimming, and fishing (including fly fishing).
If there is sufficient interest, a recreational tour to Eureka Springs,
AR, a Victorian village in the Ozarks will be available. Participants will
be given more information on this at the tour.
On Saturday afternoon, for Arkansas Razorback football fans, if the game
versus Tennessee is televised, a viewing room will be established -- hog
hat optional.
For other activities or community information, several Internet URLs are given below for your exploring. A list of campus and community activities is attached.
8. Miscellaneous Information
Audio Visual, Presentation Equipment, Computing and Communications
For the meetings, 35mm projectors, overhead projectors and flip charts will
be available. A computer projector will be made available upon request.
Computer modem lines are available in the meeting rooms and hotel rooms.
Telephones are available in Hotel rooms, in the Hotel lobby and in the CCE.
Climate Weather at this time of year is variable. Normal low temperatures
for these dates will average 3.3 C (38 F) but may be as low as -12C (10-11F).
Normal high temperatures average 16.7C (62F) but may be as high as 26.7C
(80F) or as low as 5.6C (42 F). There is an average 30% chance of rain,
freezing rain, or snow at this time of year. Weather report predictions
for the week of the meeting will be posted to the listserv mail services
for both committees the week prior to the meetings.
Sunrise will be 6:51am (CDST) and sunset at 5:05pm.
Special Needs: If you have special needs for facilities, meals,
etc., please contact Ms. Combs (conference planner), C.R. Rom (conference
host), or the Hilton Hotel.
For Additional Information see:
University of Arkansas: or
Department of Horticulture:
City of Fayetteville:
Fayetteville Maps:
(Please Print Clearly)
Name: _____________________________________________________________________
Last First Mi
Address: _________________________________________________________________
City: _____________________________State_____________Zip_____________
Telephone: ( ) FAX: ( ) E-mail___________________
Event Number Attending Cost per person Amount
NE-183 Meeting _____ $30.00 _______
NC-140 Meeting _____ $60.00 _______
Both Meetings _____ $90.00 _______
-NE-183 registration includes continental breakfast on Tuesday and Wednesday, and Lunch on Tuesday.
-NC-140 registration includes continental breakfast on Thursday and Friday,
a light Lunch on Thursday and dinner on Friday.
-If you have special needs or requests, please indicate below:
Automobile Travel
I plan on arriving by automobile and have no need for assistance.
Air Travel
I will arrive on ______________(date), at ______________(time)
on airline _________________(service) flight no. ____________
Please meet me at the airport
I will take the Hilton Hotel Shuttle
I have other travel plans: (Please describe below)
-Limited shuttle service to the Tulsa International Airport will be provided for a charge of $25.00 per round trip. Pick up times will be 12:00 noon and 6:00pm on Monday 11/10 and Wednesday 11/12; drop-off times at the airport will be 8:00am and 12:00 noon on Wednesday 11/12, Saturday 11/15, and Sunday 11/16.
-If you plan to fly into/out-of Tulsa, it may be worthwhile to post that
information on the NE-183 and/or NC-140 listserv and carpool with a rental
7:30 pm Welcome Reception -- Hospitality Suite
Tuesday, November 11 Location: Room 409-410 UA CCE
7:30 am Continental Breakfast
8:15 am Meeting Starts (see agenda below)
5:00 pm Meeting adjourns
7:30 pm Committee meetings as necessary
Draft Agenda
Chair for 1997: Rob Crassweller
Chair-elect, 1998: Curt R Rom
Recording Secretary/Chair-elect 1999: John Cline
I. Informational
A. Welcome
B. Conference information details
C. Introduction of Participants and Guests
II. Executive Reports and Comments
A. Chair
-Distribution and Adoption of the Agenda
B. Past Secretary/Chair Elect
-Minutes of 1996 meeting
III. Comments by Administrative Advisor, R.
IV. Plantings and Committee Reports
A. The 1996 Planting
1. Horticultural Subcommittee Report - S. Miller
2. Pest Subcommittee - R Straub/D. Johnson
3. Economic Subcommittee - Bill Lord/George Greene
4. Data management - R. McNew
5. Fruit Quality Subcommittee
6. Photography - Susan Brown
B. 1998/99 New Planting - D. Greene
C. Collaboration with Nursery Consortium(s) - Rob Crassweller
D. NE-183 Web Site - Jon Clements/Win Cowgill
E. 1998 Meeting Site - Host
F. Other Items
-Project revision and resubmission
G. State reports (as time allows)
V. Tour Arkansas Site Planting -- Wednesday November 12 (depart Hilton at 8:30am)
Fruit Display
Continued State Reports (as time allows)
Meeting Adjourns
Wednesday, November 12
7:30 pm Conference Participants Welcome Reception -- Hospitality
Thursday, November 13 Location: Room 409-410 UA CCE
7:30 am Continental Breakfast
8:15 am Meeting Starts
12:00 noon Lunch
1:00 pm Meeting Resumes
5:00 pm Meeting Adjourns
7:30 pm Committee Meetings as Necessary
Friday, November 14 Location: Room 409-410 UA CCE
7:30 am Continental Breakfast
8:00 am Meeting Resumes (agenda continued)
9:00 am Depart for Tour of UA NC-140 Plots
11:30 am Return from plot tour
1:30 pm Meeting Starts
4:30 pm Meeting Adjourns
6:00 pm Depart for dinner
9:00 pm Return from dinner
Saturday, November 15
8:30 am Meeting Starts (agenda continued)
12:00 noon Meeting Adjourns
Draft Agenda:
Chair for 1997: Curt R. Rom
Chair Elect/Chair - 1998: Tim Facteau
Recording Secretary:
I. Informational
A. Welcome
B. House keeping and information details
C. Introduction of Participants and Guests
II. Executive Reports and Comments
A. Chair: Adoption of the Agenda
B. Past Secretary/Chair Elect: Minutes of 1996 meeting
III. Comments by Administrative Advisor, I. Gray
IV. Future Meeting Sites: 1998 - California; 1999 -
V. Plantings and Committee Reports: Discussion lead by Trial Coordinators
A. 1988 Pear Rootstock Trial: A Azarenko
B. 1990 Plum Rootstock Trial:
C. 1990 Apple Orchard Systems and Rootstock Trial: B. Barritt
D. 1990 'Gala'/Apple Rootstock Trial: B. Barritt
E. 1990 Apple Cultivar/Rootstock Trial: W. Autio
F. 1992/93 Libert/CG Apple Rootstock Trial: T. Robinson
G. 1994 Apple Rootstock Trials: R. Marini
F. 1994 Peach Rootstock Trial: G. Reighard
VI. Future Plantings
A. Cherry Rootstock Trial: F. Kappel/R. Andersen
B. Apple Rootstock Trial:
C. Other Trials
VII. State Reports
Monday, November 10.
7:00 pm University Jazz Ensemble
Arkansas Union (free)
8:00 pm Martha Graham Dance Company
Walton Arts Center ($$$)
7:30 pm Reception for NE-183 participants
Hospitality Suite - Hilton (free)
Tuesday, November 11
6:00 pm Comedy Night - Mark Pita
Arkansas Union ($)
8:00 pm U of A Percussion Ensemble
Walton Arts Center (free)
Wednesday, November 12
7:00 pm Arkansas Razorbacks Basketball vs Converse AllStars
Bud Walton Razorback Arena ($$$)
7:00 pm A Tribute to 1964 -- The Beetles
Arkansas Union (free)
8:00 pm Arcadia (Arkansas Theater Group)
University Theater ($$)
7:30 pm Reception for NE-183/NC-140 Conference Participants
Hospitality Suite - Hilton (free)
Thursday, November 13
8:00 pm Arcadia (Arkansas Theater Group)
University Theater ($$)
Friday, November 14
6:00 - 8:00pm NC-140 Participants Dinner
8:00 pm Arcadia (Arkansas Theater Group)
University Theater ($$)
Downtown Fayetteville,
December 1996, from the Hilton Hotel and the Continuiring Education Center.